Graduating Early
To be accepted into Youth Apprenticeship the student must be enrolled and attending classes at an Ozaukee Youth Apprenticeship consortium school.
*Please make sure to update the Ozaukee Youth Apprenticeship office if any of the above information changes
Please select the career pathway you are interested in.
What are your plans after high school?)
List all your after-school obligations (i.e., work, sports, marching band, etc.) Include summer vacations, camps, mission trips,and other jobs that will limit your availability to work as a Youth Apprentice. Your Youth Apprenticeship should be your employment priority.
Include reasons you would make a good candidate, (i.e., personal strengths, experience, etc.
List courses, training and personal/volunteer/community experiences that have prepared you for your apprenticeship.
Minimum 1 YA related class per semester required. Students should work with their counselors to take classes that emphasize the basics in their chosen Program Area - List below apprenticeship-related courses you are taking or plan to take next school year.
Wisconsin's Youth Apprenticeships are a great way for career motivated students to experience the real world of a chosen career field.