Supporting Your Child’s Future Together
At Ozaukee Youth Apprenticeship, we believe that every student deserves a chance to experience the workforce while still in school. Our programs are designed to connect career-driven youth with professionals in their desired fields. This not only helps them gain valuable skills but also provides insights into the realities of the job market, empowering your child to make informed career choices.
Each student works in partnership with an employer-identified mentor, specialized classroom instructor and high school apprenticeship coordinator to receive the best skills and knowledge possible.
The apprenticeship requires that students work a minimum of 450 hours to complete a one-year apprenticeship and 900 hours to complete a two-year program.
Upon successful completion of the apprenticeship, students are awarded a Certificate of Occupational Proficiency from the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development.
Graduates may be eligible to receive advanced standing and/or transcripted credit at a local technical college or credit toward the admission requirements for the University of Wisconsin system (in selected programs).
Wisconsin's Youth Apprenticeships are a great way for career motivated students to experience the real world of a chosen career field.
“Success in the New Economy” helps audiences understand how to ultimately secure a competitive advantage in the new economy. Students must simultaneously receive applied technical skills, industry-recognized certifications, and employability preparation combined with a rigorous general education. Video Produced and narrated by Kevin J. Fleming, Ph.D.,